Venues in the Italian Riviera
This is just a selection of amazing venues we can offer in the Riviera for your Italian Wedding.
What you will love: the Mediterranean vegetation, the colors, the mild climate, the food.
Contact us for finding the perfect venue for your wedding in Italy!
"Villa al Mare" - Est Coast Italian Riviera
This eighteenth-century building is a place of singular fascination from many points of view, the amazing garden sea view, the variety of plants and flowers, the scent of the Mediterranean that you can breath from there. Only in the Italian Riviera you can find places like these...
Ancient Abby with Italian Style Garden
This is one of the most exclusive venue in Italy. Originally an ancient abby built starting from the XIV century, is now a location full of history and charming location for weddings, with one of the Italian-Style garden perched on the rocks between Portofino and Santa Margherita Ligure. A real paradise not comparable to any other place in the world.
Ancient villa sea view in Santa Margherita
This seventeenth century complex of villas dominate the scene in the centre of Santa Margherita Ligure in the Italian Riviera, it comprises some of the most significant historical buildings of the town, immersed in the greenery of its century-old grounds. Just beside the garden an intimate baroque Church can host Catholic ceremony.